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5 tips for handling a stressed dog

How to get a calm dog?

An anxious, stressed or nervous dog can be heartbreaking  for a dog owner, and not least frustrating.

– ” Am I doing something wrong?”

We try to calm down with cuddles or calm talk, but  nothing seems to work. If you have a restless, nervous or stressed dog, this post can hopefully be of great help. 

1. Identify the cause

The first thing we need to do is find out why the dog is restless or stressed, so that we can implement the right measures.

There are usually three common reasons for stressed behavior in a dog.

1.1 Genes

Don’t be so quick to blame yourself. It may well be that your dog is genetic  hyperactive. In this case, you may not get anywhere  exercise, no matter how hard you try. It is then recommended that  the animal is examined by a veterinarian or behavior trainer immediately.

1.2 Dressage

Problems related to dressage may be that we unconsciously contribute to increasing the dog’s nervousness. For example, if the animal goes wild with excitement to see us, and we continue to play with it, we are encouraging this attitude. It will learn that it gets more attention by being hysterical. It is important to train the dog from the time it is a puppy to avoid habits. You can read more about dressage in the article ” How to get an obedient dog.

1.3 Environment

If a dog is alone at home a lot, this can quickly become its natural habitat. The result of this could be that it is actually disturbed by people and other animals in its presence. They prefer silence over attention and interaction.

Arguing or drastic changes in mood in the household is an environmental factor that can cause a dog a lot of stress. Mentally, they will develop a defense mechanism where they are constantly on guard or worried that an argument will be triggered.
Are you going to argue or discuss loudly, maybe it could be a good idea to have the argument in the car or another isolated place? 

2. Too little exercise

A stressed dog needs to release energy and release adrenaline. A good solution is to arrange a lot of exercise and activity. How much exercise is appropriate varies greatly from breed to breed. But one thing is certain, all dogs benefit from a good dose of activity for a healthy mental health just like us humans..

A calm dog will also need a good dose of exercise, but a restless dog will have an additional need. In the same way as a human being diagnosed with ADHD . Exercise will stimulate better sleep and a more stable behavior throughout the day when awake.

3. Toys that counteract stress or nervousness

It may seem strange, but there are toys that help a restless dog, especially indoors. First, you can take the dog outside and let it run, jump and play  so that it gets rid of as much energy as possible.

Then you can take it inside for a more relaxed play. For example, you can sit down with it and roll a ball over a short distance. In this way, you can play with the dog without making it more anxious.

Another fun game is the search game, where you spread treats in different places in the home or in the garden. You also let the dog search for the treats. 

Please read this article about  fun toys to make  at home .

4. Seek out a professional dog trainer

Professionals know best. This is their profession and passion. Often a couple of paid sessions can make a big difference to the dog’s mental health.
Guiding and concrete measures for further treatment adapted to the dog’s disorder will be very useful and well worth the investment. 

A reasonable alternative to start with could be to buy an online course from  online-hundetrening.no

Or alternatively invest in personal private lessons with a professional dog trainer near you:

Tonge Dog Center  (Westland)

Carina Josefine  (Inland / Eastern Norway)

Oslo Dog Trainer  (Eastern Norway)

Tore Lislevand  (Southland)

The dog center  (Mid-Norway)

Most dog trainers today offer a combination of online courses and private lessons.

5. A household that cooperates

With a restless dog in the house, it is important that the family members talk to each other and use the same methods. If everyone does what they think is best, confusion can arise as to what is right or wrong, which can lead to worsening effects of stress. In that case, of course, no improvement is achieved.

Introduction of related driving rules  walks, play, cuddles and attention will be appropriate, so that the measures do not work against each other. Everyone in the family should be well informed about how to handle the measures  to calm the dog’s mind.

Recommended for stress reduction






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