
Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average Affenpinscher Lifespan: 13 years

▪️ Average Weight: 45054 lbs / 45141 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 3 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the Affenpinscher



  • The Affenpinscher is an active and lively breed as a puppy and young dog.
  • Caution is necessary to avoid the puppy jumping down from heights that it cannot reach on its own.
  • Small children should not carry the puppy or young dog to avoid injury.
  • The breed is very loyal to family and friends, but shows inherent reservation towards strangers.
  • The Affenpinscher is a fearless, alert, stubborn and loyal dog that works well as a family dog. It has a charming and clownish demeanor that captures everyone’s hearts. The breed can also participate in obedience and agility training due to its alert and teachable nature.


The Affenpinscher is an old German breed that was early used for catching rats and participated in hunting hares and quail. It is curious, brave, eager and fast. Today, the Affenpinscher is more social, while still being a capable guard dog and a pleasant company dog.The breed is known for its inner beauty and has a special ability to bond with people. When you have a friendship with an Affenpinscher, you have a friend for life.


The Affenpinscher is a small, straight-haired dog with a monkey-like expression, as the name “affen” (monkey in German) suggests. It has a compact and square body, round head with flat muzzle and round eyes. The height at the withers should be between 25 and 30 cm, and the weight usually varies between 3.5 and 6 kg.

Fur grooming

The fur of the Affenpinscher requires trimming or plucking 1-3 times a year, as well as regular brushing to avoid knots. Your breeder can help you with the fur work or refer you to other breeders nearby who can provide guidance in the beginning.


The Affenpinscher is a very old German breed that was already portrayed in the 15th century by famous artists such as Albrecht Dürer and Jan van Eyck. Originally it was used for rat catching and took part in hare and quail hunting.In the German studbook, the Affenpinscher was previously included as a Miniature Pinscher, but in 1896 the breed was split into Affenpinscher and Miniature Pinscher. Previously described as “a little devil full of anger and bile” towards strangers, the Affenpinscher is today a more social dog that works well as a watchdog and companion dog.

Want to know more about the breed?

In general, it is recommended to contact the breed club for further information about the Affenpinscher. The breed club has expertise in the breed, an overview of breeders and knowledge of the breed’s health.Good luck with any choice of an Affenpinscher puppy!

Considering a Affenpinscher puppy?

Coming Soon:
Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing Affenpinscher Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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