
Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average Chihuahua Lifespan: 16 years

▪️ Average Weight: 7 lbs / 2 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 3 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the Chihuahua



  • In general, it is recommended to contact the breed club for information and guidance before buying a chihuahua puppy.
  • The Chihuahua is a small, intelligent and courageous dog that bonds strongly with its owner.
  • The breed thrives best near the family, but can be reserved towards strangers.
  • Proper training is important to avoid excessive barking, and dental problems can occur due to the compact head.
  • The Chihuahua is more active and endures more than you might think.
  • The breed has both short-haired and long-haired variants.

Worth Thinking About:

The Chihuahua is a charming and courageous little dog that will capture your heart. Although small in size, it is intelligent and confident. It has a strong attachment to its owner and thrives best when allowed to be close to the family. The Chihuahua can be reserved towards strangers, but with proper socialization it can thrive in different situations. It is important to give this little dog proper training to avoid excessive barking. Because of the compact head, the breed can be prone to dental problems, so regular dental care is important.


Originally bred as a guard dog, the Chihuahua, although small, is quick, alert, lively and courageous. The breed is surprisingly energetic and relatively independent. It is also easy to learn and easy to handle. The Chihuahua’s personality is unique and will surely make you smile with its lively nature.


The Chihuahua is a very small dog with a compact build. The weight is assessed in the breed, and the ideal is between 1.5 and 3 kg. The breed comes in two varieties: short-haired and long-haired. The short-haired chihuahua has a short and dense fur that lies close to the body. The long-haired chihuahua has a fine and silky coat that can be straight or slightly wavy. Both variants have their own charming appearance.

Fur care:

The Chihuahua’s coat is generally easy to care for. It can be washed when needed, and fur care can include brushing to keep the fur in good condition. Short-haired chihuahuas require less maintenance, while long-haired chihuahuas may have longer coats that require a little extra attention.


The Chihuahua is an ancient dog breed with an interesting history. Some believe that it is descended from Mexican Toltec dogs who lived in the 8th century. The breed is named after the Mexican district of Chihuahua, where it is believed to have originated. It is still uncertain exactly when, where and how the breed originated, but it may have been brought to Mexico from China or Egypt. The Aztecs considered the Chihuahua a sacred dog and sacrificed it to the gods. The breed was also considered auspicious.

The Breed Club’s Guidance and More Information

In general, it is recommended to contact the chihuahua breed club for more information and guidance on the breed. The breed club is the expert on the breed, has an overview of recognized breeders and can give advice on the breed’s health. You will find the link to the breed club at the bottom of this page. For a more detailed insight into the breed’s status today and the club’s breeding focus, you can read the RAS document.This gives a good understanding of the breed’s health and breeding strategies. The breed standard describes the physical and mental characteristics of the Chihuahua and is also recommended reading for those considering getting a puppy of this breed.Good luck exploring the wonderful world of the chihuahua shorthair!

Considering a Chihuahua puppy?

Coming Soon:
Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing Chihuahua Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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