French Bulldog

Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average French Bulldog Lifespan: 11 years

▪️ Average Weight: 24 lbs / 46 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 2 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the French Bulldog


Worth knowing about the French Bulldog

  • The breed is a lively and sociable dog that is ideal as a company dog.
  • French Bulldogs have big personalities and love attention.
  • It is important to keep the dog in good condition and ensure that it looks muscular and strong.
  • The wrinkles on the dog’s face should be kept clean to avoid irritation.
  • As a brachycephalic breed with a short and wide muzzle and skull, the French Bulldog may be more prone to respiratory problems.

Health and farming

The French Bulldog can have some health challenges, and the club attaches great importance to managing these. The most serious disorder the dogs can suffer from is BOAS/respiratory problems. The club has collaborated with NKK to introduce BOAS grading, a test developed by Dr. Jane Ladlow at the University of Cambridge in England. It is recommended to buy the puppy from a serious breeder who prioritizes the health of the dogs. The breed club’s breeder list is a good place to start.


The French Bulldog has a rich history that stretches back to the 1840s. Originally, the small offspring of the English bulldog were called miniature bulldogs or toy bulldogs. As they were not suitable for combat, they were exported to France, where they became popular with both the upper class and the general population. The breed has its roots in various countries, including Peru, Spain, England and the United States.

Characteristics and appearance

The French Bulldog is a typical Molosser in small size. It is powerful and compact, with a short face, erect ears and a naturally short tail. The breed gives the impression of being active, intelligent and very muscular, with a solid bone structure. The weight should be between 8 kg and 14 kg for a dog in good condition.

Fur grooming

French Bulldogs have short and easy-care fur that should be bathed when necessary. It is important to keep the wrinkles in the dog’s face clean and free of dirt and grime.

The breed club and more information

In general, it is recommended that anyone considering buying a French Bulldog contact the breed club. The breed club has the expertise on the breed, an overview of breeders and knowledge of the breed’s health. You can also read more about the breed and its health in the RAS document, which provides a good introduction to the breed’s status and the club’s focus when it comes to breeding. The breed standard and the BSI document (Breed Specific Instructions) provide further information on the breed’s physical and mental characteristics, as well as guidelines to avoid exaggerated exterior features.Good luck exploring this great breed!Supporting Sources: Purina, Wikipedia , Hillspet

Considering a French Bulldog puppy?

Coming Soon:
Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing French Bulldog Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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