German Spitz Klein

Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average German Spitz Klein Lifespan: 15 years

▪️ Average Weight: 20 lbs / 9 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 3 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the German Spitz Klein



  • The Miniature Spitz is a variant of the German Spitz, one of the oldest breeds in Europe.
  • This breed is willing to learn, devoted, and thrives best near the family.
  • Miniature Spitz have a certain guarding instinct and are known to live a long time.
  • The breed has a beautiful coat and a characteristic pleasant expression.
  • Miniature Spitz is used in various activities such as exhibition, obedience, agility and visiting dog work.

Worth Thinking About:

The Miniature Spitz is a variant of the German Spitz, a very old breed that has been loved in Europe for centuries. This breed is known for its willingness to learn, affection and ability to form strong bonds with its owner. The Miniature Spitz thrives best near its family and is often attached to its owner in a special way. They can be somewhat reserved towards strangers, but with proper socialization they can also be friendly and welcoming.


Miniature Spitz is one of several varieties of German Spitz, which is among the oldest dog breeds in Europe. Together with the Keeshond (wolfspitz), grosspitz, mittelspitz and pomeranian (zwergspitz), the Kleinspitz forms a diverse family of spitz breeds. These breeds have a rich history and have been known and appreciated for generations.


Miniature Spitz and other spitz breeds are always attentive, lively and very devoted to their owner. They are teachable and easy to train, and their mistrust of strangers makes them good watchdogs.Miniature Spitz are not anxious or aggressive, but rather steadfast and confident. A special feature of this breed is their ability to withstand different weather conditions. They are robust dogs that often live a long time. The Kleinspitz is a versatile breed that can be used for various activities.It thrives as a show dog and as a beloved family dog. In addition, it can participate in obedience, rally obedience, agility, visiting dog work, track training, fly ball and slams. In other words, this breed is an all-purpose dog. Although they belong to a group of hunting spitz breeds, the Miniature Spitz has little or no hunting instinct.

Size and Appearance:

The Kleinspitz has an attractive appearance with its beautiful fur that stands out from the body thanks to the abundant undercoat. A particularly striking feature is the strong mane-like collar around the neck and the bushy tail that is carried proudly over the back. With its fox-like head, quick eyes and pointed, small and close-set ears, the Kleinspitz and the other spitz breeds have a characteristic handsome expression that catches the eye.The Miniature Spitz has a height at the withers of around 26 cm with a certain variation of /- 3 cm. The coat is double-layered, with long, straight, protruding cover hairs and a short, thick, wadding-like undercoat. The head, ears, and front of the fore and hind legs and paws have short, dense fur that feels velvety. The rest of the body has long and abundant fur. The coat should not be wavy, frizzy or shaggy, and there should be no separation along the back. The neck and shoulders are covered by a dense mane, and the hind legs have full breeches from the croup down to the hock joint. The tail has a bushy layer of hair.


Generally speaking, the Miniature Spitz is a healthy and vigorous breed. However, as with all dog breeds, some cases of patellar luxation, a condition where the kneecap can dislocate, can occur. It is recommended to have the dog examined by a veterinarian if necessary and to follow up with regular health checks.

Fur care:

To maintain a beautiful and healthy coat, it is recommended to brush and comb the Kleinspitz weekly. This helps to remove loose hair and keep the coat in good condition. Also make sure to give the necessary care to shorter fur areas such as the head, ears and paws. The coat usually does not need to be trimmed, but it may be necessary to give extra attention to the mane and tail to keep them in their magnificent shape.

Interested in learning more about the Kleinspitz?

If you want to know more about the Kleinspitz and are considering becoming the owner of a puppy of this lovely breed, it is strongly recommended that you contact the breed club. The breed club has the necessary expertise, an overview of recognized breeders and in-depth knowledge of the breed’s health. By contacting the breed club you can get valuable guidance and ensure that you find a Kleinspitz puppy that fits you and your family perfectly.Good luck with your Miniature Spitz adventure! You will be rewarded with a devoted companion and a beautiful dog who will enjoy being part of your family.

Considering a German Spitz Klein puppy?

Coming Soon:
Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing German Spitz Klein Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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