Labrador Retriever

Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average Labrador Retriever Lifespan: 11 years

▪️ Average Weight: 65 lbs / 28.75 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 2 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the Labrador Retriever


In summary

  • The Labrador retriever is a popular family dog, but can be wild as a puppy and young dog.
  • It needs consistent upbringing, physical and mental training to become a calm and sane dog.
  • Labradors have a great working capacity when they cooperate with their owner.
  • The breed originated from Newfoundland and was known as adept water fetcher.
  • The Labrador is driver-oriented, willing to please and is well suited as a hunting dog and family dog.
  • It has a dense, weatherproof coat and distinctive otter tail.
  • The Labrador is versatile and is used in various dog sports and areas of use.
  • It is medium-sized, powerful and compact, and is available in black, yellow and chocolate brown.

An incredibly versatile and popular dog

The Labrador is an incredibly popular breed and a fantastic choice as a family dog. It may be important to be prepared that this may be a lively puppy and young dog. With proper upbringing, physical training and mental challenges, the Labrador can develop into a calm and sane dog that will be a loving and faithful family member.


This breed originates from Newfoundland and is a descendant of the St. Johns dog. The Labrador’s history goes back a long way, and as I said, it has roots in Newfoundland. Originally it was known as a skilled water fetcher and helper for fishermen in the area. The fishermen from Newfoundland brought these dogs with them to the port town of Poole in England. There they aroused interest among nobles who paid exorbitant prices for them. These dogs, known as the St. Johns dog or St. Johns labrador, were later used as game retrievers. Today’s Labradors are descended from these dogs and their descendants.

Characteristics and mentality

The Labrador is known for its friendly nature and good temperament. It is driver-oriented and has a strong will to help its owner. This makes it a wonderful companion and an ideal dog for active families. The Labrador loves to work together with its owner and has strong retrieving instincts. Whether it is fetching sandals, balls, dummies or ducks, this is completely natural to it and a pure pleasure. The breed has dominated hunting trials for many decades and is a popular choice among hunters.


The Labrador is a medium-sized dog with a powerful and compact build. Male dogs have a height at the withers of approx. 56-57 cm, while bitches are somewhat lower with a height at the withers of approx. 54-56 cm. The breed comes in three approved colours: black, yellow and chocolate brown. The yellow color can vary from light cream to a warm, reddish shade. A small white spot on the chest is also permitted.

Labrador retriever colors

The Labrador Retriever comes in three main colors: black, yellow and chocolate. Black Labradors exude timeless elegance, yellow Labradors have a bright and friendly appearance, and chocolate brown Labradors have a unique and appealing hue. Regardless of color, they share a loving and hard-working nature that makes them great companions. Remember that personality and health are more important than color when choosing a dog.

Labrador Retriever as Hunting Labrador

Labrador Retrievers are not only known as pets, but also have a long history as good hunting dogs, especially in waterfowl hunting. With their natural urge to retrieve and cooperate with humans, they are ideal for hunting waterfowl. They have strong flippers and waterproof fur, which makes them effective in wetlands. Labradors have a soft mouth and can retrieve without harming their prey. This makes them valuable retrievers, and their obedience and willingness to follow commands is important during the hunt.Early training and socialization are essential to developing their hunting skills. Their energy level and patience make them good partners during long hunting days. After the hunt, they need proper post-hunt care to stay in shape. Labradors bred for hunting can be registered and participate in hunting trials that test their skills. The Labrador Retriever as a hunting labrador represents a balance between willingness to work, intelligence and affection, and offers hunters a reliable and competent companion for hunting activities.

The breed club

If you are interested in buying a Labrador puppy, it is strongly recommended to contact the breed club. The breed club has the expertise on the breed, an overview of breeders and broad knowledge of the breed’s health. They can guide you and help you find a responsible breeder.We wish you the best of luck with your assessment and eventual choice of a Labrador retriever :)Supporting sources: Wikipedia , Wildlife , Dyrebar

Considering a Labrador Retriever puppy?

Coming Soon:
Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing Labrador Retriever Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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