
Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average Pekingese Lifespan: 14 years

▪️ Average Weight: 9 lbs / 4 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 1 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the Pekingese



  • In general, anyone interested in the Pekingese is recommended to contact the breed club.
  • Intelligent, happy and easy to learn, but can be stubborn.
  • Requires regular fur care and attention to breathing difficulties.
  • Fearless, loyal and intelligent – a great family dog with a great personality.
  • Small and robust with a lion-like appearance – male dogs weigh up to 5 kg and bitches up to 5.4 kg.


The origins of the Pekingese are shrouded in mystery and legends from the East. Although we do not know the exact origin, it is certain that this breed is very old. One of the most captivating stories tells of a lion, the most powerful predator, who fell in love with a little monkey. The lion asked the supreme saint of the animals for permission to marry.The saint agreed on the condition that the lion would have to give up his size and strength. So it happened, but the lion kept his courage and heart, and the offspring with the monkey became the origin of the Pekingese – the lion dog from China.

Characteristics and Mentality

The Pekingese is a brave and loyal companion, who will make a great family dog. It is intelligent and easily learned, but can also show a certain stubbornness. With its small body, it has a surprising personality and an ability to make a big impression on most people it meets.This dog is not anxious or aggressive, but rather reserved. A fair and consistent upbringing is important to bring out the best in the Pekingese.

Size and Appearance

The Pekingese is a small and robust dog with a unique appearance. With its lion-like mane and alert and intelligent expression, it is sure to steal your heart. Underneath the rich fur, you will find a strong bone trunk.The coat is long, smooth and consists of coarse cover hairs with a thick undercoat. Male dogs should not weigh more than 5 kg, and bitches should not weigh more than 5.4 kg.

Fur grooming

The Pekingese requires regular grooming, but it is relatively easy to keep it beautiful. You should comb the fur every two weeks on an adult dog. During the dog’s first year of life and during shedding periods, a little extra attention may be necessary.Also remember to clean the nasal folds regularly to maintain good hygiene.

The Breed Club and Resources

In general, anyone interested in the Pekingese is recommended to contact the breed club. The breed club is the expert on the breed, has an overview of serious breeders and has knowledge of the breed’s health. Explore the breed standard, which describes both the physical and mental characteristics of the Pekingese.To maintain the dogs’ health and well-being, there are also Breed Specific Instructions (BSI) which are a supplement to the breed standard. BSI focuses on limiting extreme traits that can threaten the dogs’ welfare.We wish you the best of luck on your journey with the Pekingese!

Considering a Pekingese puppy?

Coming Soon:
Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing Pekingese Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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