Petit Brabancon

Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average Petit Brabancon Lifespan: 44969 years

▪️ Average Weight: 10 lbs / 45080 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 3 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the Petit Brabancon


Brief history of Petit Brabancon

  • Petit Brabançon is a distinctive companion dog that thrives on company and activities such as exhibition, obedience, agility and visiting dog.
  • The breed is curious, brave, easily learned and alert, while being balanced and attentive.
  • The Petit Brabançon can go for long walks if it is used to it, but does not need a long walk every day.
  • The breed is strongly attached to its owner and can be alert without being shy or aggressive.


Petit Brabançon, along with Griffon Bruxellois and Griffon Belge, descend from a small Belgian dog breed called “Smousje”. This breed was originally found in the areas around Brussels. In the 20th century, King Charles spaniels and pugs were mixed into the breed, which brought with them the short nose, the short hair gene and the black color. The short-haired puppies were first seen as undesirable, but later their great qualities were recognised. The breed was named Petit Brabançon and was approved as a separate variety.The Petit Brabançon was originally bred to look after horse-drawn carriages and keep the stables free of rodents. It was known as the “Belgian Rat Dog”. In the 19th century, the first Griffon Bruxellois were registered in the breeding database LOSH (The St. Hubert stud book). The breed’s popularity increased from 1900, thanks in particular to the royal interest of Queen Marie-Henriette of Belgium. The breed was exported outside of Belgium and has evolved into its current appearance. During the Second World War, the breed was close to extinction in its homeland, but was fortunately rebuilt by a kennel.


The Petit Brabançon is a balanced little dog that is alert, proud and strongly attached to its owner. The breed is alert, but neither shy nor aggressive.


The Petit Brabançon is a small, intelligent, harmonious and alert dog. It weighs approximately 3.5-6 kg and has a robust body with good bone stock. The breed attracts attention with its almost human expression. What distinguishes the three Griffon varieties from each other is the color and coat. Griffon Belge has bristly hair and is available in black and black/tan. The Griffon Bruxellois also has bristly hair and comes in red, while the Petit Brabançon is available in red, black and black/tan. It is bred by crossing the variants, so in one litter you can get all the variants.


Petit Brabançon and the related breeds are generally healthy and robust. The dogs live a long time and stay in good physical shape over the years. Common health problems include patellar problems (which more often affect dogs under 10kg), sustained eye injuries and urinary stones. It is recommended to follow the breed club’s breed-specific breeding strategy to maintain good health in the breed.

Fur grooming

The Petit Brabançon’s straight coat should be trimmed 2-4 times a year to maintain the correct texture. Clipping the fur can make it soft and cause it to lose color. It is important to bathe the dog when necessary, but not too often, in order to maintain the coat’s protective properties against rain and dirt.

Want to know more about the breed?

For more information about the Petit Brabançon breed, it is recommended to contact the breed club. The breed club is the expert on the breed, has an overview of breeders and can provide knowledge about the breed’s health. The breed standard provides a detailed description of the breed’s physical and mental characteristics and is also recommended reading material for anyone considering getting a puppy of this charming breed.We wish you the best of luck with any plans to become the owner of a Petit Brabançon puppy!Supporting Sources: Precious , Wikipedia , Purebred

Considering a Petit Brabancon puppy?

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Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing Petit Brabancon Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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