Saint Bernard

Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average Saint Bernard Lifespan: 9 years

▪️ Average Weight: 110 lbs / 49.8 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 4 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the Saint Bernard



  • Saint Bernard is a large breed that can weigh up to 100 kg as an adult.
  • The breed is known for being a harmonious family dog and is very willing to learn.
  • Correct diet is important as the breed grows quickly. Follow the recommendations of the breeder and breed club.
  • Saint Bernards can drool, but the degree varies between individuals.
  • The breed needs access to a dry and cool place all year round and should avoid strenuous walks in hot summer weather.
  • The breed comes in two coat varieties – shorthair and longhair.
  • There are some health problems associated with the breed, such as hip dysplasia and eye disorders.


The St. Bernard dog is an old breed from Switzerland and can be traced back to a monastery in the St. Bernhard Pass. It has a rich history, although claims of existence in the 12th century lack evidence. The breed probably developed through breeding work carried out by monks in the monastery.


The St. Bernard has an impressive size and deep barking that usually scares off intruders. It is also known for its positive attitude towards famous people and quick learning.The breed is very eager to learn and responds quickly to commands after a short training period. With careful habituation, they also become understanding towards children and are very careful in their dealings with them. They can be perfect babysitters and playmates.

Size and appearance

The St. Bernard comes in two varieties: short-haired (stockhaar) and long-haired. Both variants have an impressive size and a harmonious, muscular body. The height of male dogs is usually 70-90 cm, while bitches are 65-80 cm in height at the withers.The short-haired variety has dense, coarse fur with abundant underwool, while the long-haired variety has medium-long, straight cover hairs with abundant underwool.

Fur grooming

The long-haired variety should be brushed weekly and bathed/brushed as needed to maintain a healthy coat.

The breed club

In general, it is recommended to contact the breed club for more information about the breed.Good luck!

Considering a Saint Bernard puppy?

Coming Soon:
Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing Saint Bernard Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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