Skye Terrier

Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average Skye Terrier Lifespan: 45059 years

▪️ Average Weight: 33 lbs / 15 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 1 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the Skye Terrier


Briefly about the breed

  • The Skye terrier is an extremely loyal and faithful breed.
  • The breed is calm indoors, but active outdoors.
  • Skye terriers are easy to learn and rarely have the urge to go out on their own.
  • Fur care is an important part of care to maintain the beautiful fur.

Characteristics and mentality

The Skye terrier has a special attachment to the people it loves. It can be a little reserved towards strangers, but this should not be confused with nervousness. Early socialization of the puppy is important to develop a confident adult dog in various situations.The Skye terrier is an intelligent breed with its own perception of the state of affairs. This can occasionally be expressed through a charming stubbornness. It is important to set clear boundaries from an early age, but it is also important to use positive methods in upbringing.The breed is sensitive, and a firm “no” will usually suffice.

Size and appearance

Skye terriers have a characteristic physique with a head and body of normal size, but with limbs that have dwarfism. It has a long and low silhouette and should be at least twice as long as it is tall. The ears can either be standing or hanging.Skye terriers move elegantly and efficiently with good stride length. The ideal shoulder height is usually between 25 and 30 cm, and the weight varies from around 10 to 18 kg. The breed is available in standard colors such as black, gray in various shades and cream. Regardless of coat colour, the ears should be as dark as possible, preferably black.

Fur grooming

The Skye terrier’s beautiful, long coat is one of its distinguishing characteristics. The coat is less extensive than one might think. The fur does not need to be trimmed or cut, and regular brushing will help reduce shedding. A weekly brushing will be sufficient to keep the coat in good condition.


Skye terriers are generally a healthy breed and can live a long time.


The Skye terrier is one of the oldest terrier breeds and has been known since the 16th century. The breed originates from the Isle of Skye, which is located on the northwest coast of Scotland, and belongs to the Hebrides archipelago. The Skye terrier was an effective pest controller and helped farmers keep rats and other unwanted animals off the farms.The breed received considerable attention when Queen Victoria showed an interest in it in the 1860s. At that time, the Skye terrier became a favorite among London society. Around the turn of the last century, the breed was popular as a show dog, with the participation of up to 150 specimens at some exhibitions. After approx. 1910 it gradually lost popularity in favor of new breeds and has since become rarer worldwide.Skye terriers are known for their legendary faithfulness. An example is the story of Greyfriars Bobby, a Skye terrier who showed incredible devotion to his owner. When the owner died in 1858, Bobby followed him to the grave and lived there for over 10 years. He went daily to a restaurant where the owner used to have lunch, and was served a meal.All attempts to adopt him failed. Bobby became a well-known figure in Edinburgh, and after his death he was buried in Greyfriars Kirkyard, where he had spent his life.

The breed club

In general, it is recommended to contact the breed club for more information about the breed.Good luck!

Considering a Skye Terrier puppy?

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Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing Skye Terrier Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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