
Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average Stabyhoun Lifespan: 12 years

▪️ Average Weight: 50 lbs / 45099 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 3 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the Stabyhoun



  • The Stabijhoun is a versatile hunting dog and search dog for injured game.
  • It is easily learned, but also has a will of its own.
  • The breed thrives on different activities and fits well in an active family.
  • Stabijhoun is good-natured, social and adaptable.
E recreates and mentalityThe Stabijhoun is a calm, friendly and easy-to-learn all-round hunting dog that also works excellently as a search dog for injured game. Early familiarity with birds is an advantage for this standing bird dog. Many puppies show an interest in carrying objects, and with encouragement they can develop into good retrievers. The breed is affectionate, but can also be stubborn. Patience and consistent training are important. Indoors or on the farm, it is quiet but alert. It can be reserved towards strangers, but never afraid.

Size and appearance

The Stabijhoun is a functional and solidly built standing bird dog. The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers, neither too coarse nor too slender. The skin is tight and the coat should be of medium length without being excessively long. There is a clear difference between male dogs and bitches.The head is dry without drooping lips or loose skin. It is harmonious in relation to the body, with a clear gender character. The head is longer than wide, and the expression is soft, friendly and attentive.The ears are placed along an imaginary line from the tip of the muzzle through the inner corner of the eye. When the dog is alert, the ears should not protrude outside the skull. The ears are moderately long, reach the corner of the mouth and have the shape of a rounded tablespoon. The earlobe is a characteristic feature, with longer fur at the base of the ear that gradually becomes shorter and covered by short fur in the lower third.The neck is powerful, rounded and of medium length, but not too long. It forms an open angle to the line of the back, and the head is usually carried low.The chest should be deep and reach the elbows. Seen from the front, it is quite wide with widely spaced front legs. The ribs are well arched, but not maple-shaped. They should be deep and long so that the chest extends as far back as possible. The elbow joints must be tightly connected.The tail reaches the hock joint and should not be set high. It is carried down, but the last third may bend upwards in rest or in attention. The tail is lifted in movement, but it should never be carried over the back or in a spiral. The tail has a bushy structure with abundant, long and thick fur, which gives a full expression.

Color and size

Stabijhoun can be black or brown with white markings, and black or brown roan is also allowed. The white can be in roan or in the form of dots. The head is either black or brown, with or without a marking called “bliss.” Both colors are available with or without large spots.Male dogs should have a withers height of 50-53 cm (with /- 2 cm variation), while bitches should be 48-50 cm (with /- 2 cm variation).


The Stabijhoun is generally a healthy breed, but there are some cases of epilepsy and PDA (patent ductus arteriosus). The average lifespan is 10-12 years.

Fur grooming

The fur of the Stabijhoun should be of medium length and straight on the body, with a weather-resistant undercoat. It is considered self-cleaning and rarely needs to be bathed, as the dirt easily falls off and the coat remains fine. Regular brushing and combing is sufficient to maintain the coat.


Stabijhoun originates from the Netherlands, and the name comes from the Dutch expression “sta-mij-bi,” which means “stand by me.” In its home country it is also called Stabij or Bijke. The Stabijhoun was used as a farm dog to keep the farm free of moles, while also being a highly valued family dog that loved to play with the children.The breed was also called “bread hunter” as the dogs were often used to hunt and obtain their own food. As farmers could rarely afford more than one dog, it was important to have a versatile dog that could also hunt.The Stabijhoun was officially approved as a breed by the Dutch Kennel Club on 10 October 1942.

Want to know more about the breed?

In general, it is recommended to contact the breed club for Stabijhoun for more information and guidance. The breed club has expertise on the breed, an overview of breeders and knowledge of the breed’s health.Good luck!

Considering a Stabyhoun puppy?

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Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing Stabyhoun Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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