Toy Poodle

Breed Profile


US Popularity Rank

American Kennel Club, 2022

Quick Facts

▪️ Average Toy Poodle Lifespan: 14 years

▪️ Average Weight: 45054 lbs / 4.25 kg

▪️ Difficulty Level: 2 out of 5

Sources of Support: American Kennel Club, AniCura Group, NKK, Other, WordWideWeb

Characteristics of the dog breed


Activity level


Cooperation ability


Fur care



About the Toy Poodle


Briefly about the breed

  • The Toy Poodle is a charming and versatile breed that is suitable as a companion dog and has good practical qualities.
  • Poodles are known for their good temperament, easy-to-learn nature and are well suited to mental activities such as tracking and searching.
  • The poodle has a harmonious physique, four different show hairstyles and comes in different sizes.
  • The fur is frizzy, does not shed, and comes in different colours.


The Toy Poodle is an old breed with roots dating back to the early Middle Ages. The origin of the breed is not completely known, but it is believed that it may have been bred through cross-breeding between old hunting dogs and the ancient puli breed. The Puli is a herding dog with curly fur and drooping ears. The breed is also related to the Portuguese water dog and the Irish water spaniel. France is considered the poodle’s country of origin. The large poodle is considered the oldest variety, while the miniature version already existed in Italy in the 16th century. In the 19th century, the smaller poodles were bred from small specimens of the large ones. Today there are four size variants of the poodle in Norway: large, medium, dwarf and toy.

Characteristics and mentality

The Toy Poodle is a versatile breed that thrives as a companion dog and has good practicality. Poodles are known for their good temperament, and they are often easily trained. They particularly enjoy mental challenges such as tracing and searching. Many poodles are also used as guide dogs for the blind and assistance dogs for the disabled. The dogs have a good temperament and are easily trained, which makes them well suited for such tasks. The poodle is known for being soft, easy to raise, happy, playful, social and very loving. Although some individuals can be independent and self-confident, most poodles are quickly integrated into their family.

Size and appearance

The Toy Poodle must be a harmonious and well-balanced dog with an elegant appearance. It has a square build, healthy movements and proud attitude. The poodle has an intelligent expression, is alert and active. The breed comes in four show hairstyles: continental lion cut, English lion cut, puppy cut/puppy lion and toilette 60. In addition, there are also lamb cuts for a more practical hairstyle. The poodle comes in four size variants: large, medium, dwarf and toy. The dwarf poodle must have a height at the withers of 28-35 cm and must largely have the same proportions as the medium poodle without showing signs of dwarfism. The poodle is a breed that many people with allergies tolerate, as it does not shed.

Fur grooming

Toy poodles require a lot of grooming, even if you have no plans to exhibit the dog. The coat is frizzy and does not shed. When the poodle is cut and styled in the traditional lion cut, it radiates pride and dignity. Allowed colors for the poodle are black, white, brown, grey, apricot and red. It is recommended to contact the breed club for more information on proper coat care and grooming.

The breed club

It is recommended to contact the breed club before buying a toy poodle. The breed club has expertise on the breed, an overview of breeders and knowledge of the breed’s health.. Wishing you the best of luck in your adventure with a toy poodle!Supporting Sources: Dyrebar , My Animals

Considering a Toy Poodle puppy?

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Comprehensive Breeder Map Showcasing Toy Poodle Breeders in the United States with Active or Recent Breeding Programs


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