kloklipp av hund

How to cut the dog’s claws? Guide and advice

Do you sigh demotivated every time you hear the “click-clack” sound across the living room floor or realize that it’s soon time for a claw cut?

You are not alone in this…

In this post, we share with you our very best tips and advice on how you can achieve a much easier and more comfortable claw cut, both for yourself and your best friend! 💡

Reading time is approx. 5 minutes, hand on heart that it will be well worth your time if you want a more effective method of nail clipping!


  • How to choose the right tool
  • Klosaks: Advantages and disadvantages
  • Claw grinder: Advantages and disadvantages
  • Success stories: Combined use
  • Conclusion: How to find the best solution for your
  • Recommended tools

A post especially useful for those of you with one or more dogs in the house who suffer from claw-clipping anxiety or associated discomfort. Where every silent session is an eerie séance, but which must be carried out up to 26 times a year

The information and advice we share with you here today is drawn from several sources and various feedback we have received from our wonderful customers over the past year.

Feedback from dog people who are so nice that they take the time to share their experiences in detail , both via product reviews, direct messages and shares on social media.

– We are very grateful for this and hope to be able to see even more of it! ❤ (hint hint)

Enough is enough! Time for problem solving

hund som viser ubehag ved kloklipp med klosaks

As a rule, you cut the dog’s claws every 14 days, some every 4 weeks and depends on how much the dog wears the nails itself. A dog that walks a lot on tarmac will put more wear and tear on its nails than a dog that only walks a lot in the woods, for example.

And it clearly shows that there are MANY dog families out there who refuse to do this task every 14. day…
– Yes, then it is time to prioritize problem solving.

We will help you with this! ❤

How to choose the right tool for dog claw trimming

Claw scissors or claw sharpener, or maybe both?
A question many people ask in frustration to find the best solution….

The truth is that we cannot give you a conclusion,
but we will try our best to provide you with the information you need to find the most favorable solution for your dog family. ✅

Let’s now take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of using the various tools to give you a better overview. 👀
1. Nail scissors
2. Claw grinder
3. The combination

1. Traditional claw scissors / claw pliers

Advantages of using claw scissors:

  • Fast and silent

    Unlike claw sharpeners, the claw scissors are completely silent. It is also much faster to cut claws of considerable length with scissors.

  • Cheaper

    Claw clippers are usually cheap and it doesn’t cost too much for a pair. But then again, don’t buy too cheap nail clippers either, as these don’t always do the job they’re supposed to.

  • Powerless

    You don’t need a battery or electricity to use claw scissors.

Disadvantages of using claw scissors:

  • Easy to hit the nerve

    If you are not careful and precise with claw scissors, it is easy to hit your dog’s sensitive nerve. This is an incredibly painful and stressful situation for the dog where a bloody outcome can occur.

  • Anxiety and discomfort

    It is very common for dogs to suffer from claw clipping anxiety and have built up a negative relationship with the claw clippers which makes the session challenging. In some cases, the anxiety can develop to become so intense that you have to go to the vet to have your claws clipped, which is a very low-cost option that you should try to avoid for all it’s worth.

menneskehånd som holder klosaks foran hund med ubehag og angst. Samt animasjon av klo og blodåre røntgen

2. Electric claw grinder

Advantages of using claw grinders:

  • Great for dogs with claw anxiety

    If you have tried claw scissors and the dog shows clear discomfort, then a claw sharpener is a great option number 2 that you should try out.

  • A rounder and prettier result

    One of the biggest advantages is that you can keep the claws round and fuzzy. In contrast to a pair of scissors where the claws usually get unlucky sharp edges. Round claws ensure that the dog does not scratch up furniture, floors, yourself and others. A lively jumping dog with sharp-edged claws can cause serious scratch marks.

  • Good for thick and hard nails

    A claw grinder with a powerful motor can do wonders and make the job much easier for dogs with thick claws. As these can often be much harder and more challenging to cut than normal.

Disadvantages of using claw grinders:

  • Can grind too far down

    Although it is easier to avoid the dog’s nail root with a claw sharpener, you should be aware that you can grind down to the nail root, but the dog will most likely let you know about this himself via a reaction before it gets too bad.

  • Creepy sound

    Although most claw grinders don’t make a lot of noise, the sound can still be frightening. It is important that you choose a claw grinder that works with a low noise level.

  • Polishing dust

    When a claw grinder is put into use, there will be dust from the claws’ “waste” which must be washed up afterwards, and nobody likes a lot of nail dust on their floor. But for comparison, surely clipped nails are not preferred to have lying around? So approx. the same necessary clean-up effort is required with sharpeners and scissors.

illustrasjon før og etter resultat ved bruk ev elektrisk klosliper i 2 vindubokser med hovedbilde av kvinne som holder hund og bruker klosliper

3. Many people succeed with the combination of claw scissors and claw sharpener

After a review of all the feedback we have received on the topic and our own experiences, we see a common denominator of successful change for a more easy and comfortable claw cut than before – and that is by combined use of scissors and sharpener. 🥇

Here very nicely summarized and directly quoted from a user of HobbyHund’s latest claw sharpener:

“My experience is; I prefer to use a good pair of scissors first on the tips and then use a claw sharpener afterwards. Then I achieve several advantages, combining efficiency and preventing me from cutting the nerve, perfect sharpening of the nails without touching the nerves (the dog gives a warning if I get too close) as well as nice rounded sharpened nails.”

Conclusion: How to find the best solution for claw clipping

In the end, it all depends on testing yourself and adapting to your dog’s behavior and claw size.

If your dog can be clipped without problems, it may be sufficient to use only good claw scissors alone.
But most of the success stories for positive change tell us that having a good electric claw grinder with you in the work will be the safest choice and ensure you a better end result.

We favor the quoted combination and it is something we warmly recommend every dog ​​family to test out! ✅

You will be able to read more about in detail under the product pages how to best practice using an electric claw grinder with regard to anxiety and discomfort.

Choose a claw grinder that is right for you

Today you can choose between 2 different claw sharpeners at HobbyHund.no.

Our very latest model PowerX2 (launched March 2022) has already received glowingly good feedback, both from those who were part of the test group and those who have been early to order in the online store. Throughout, it is mentioned that the claw clip has never been easier than with this one in use. ⚡

The model is in a slightly higher price range than the usual claw grinders, but defends this without a doubt with its unique features that make the grinding job a breeze! 🤩

The model is equipped with a powerful motor where you can freely choose between 2 different speeds (suitable for adults and children).

In addition, it has an integrated LED light that gives you crystal clear visibility during the session to ensure a better result, as well as helping you avoid painful missteps.

Alternatively, we have our standard electric claw grinder which also works very well and is in a more economical price range.

In autumn 2021, we modified this model by upgrading the motor and its battery life after listening carefully to the feedback we received from our customers.

We have received very good feedback on this too, especially after the upgrade. You can read the verified customer reviews in detail under the product page.

Our task, our goal and our passion is to help Norwegian dog families.
Both through good information and good products.

With that, we wish you the best of luck with the nail clipper and hope this post will inspire you to make nail clippers more comfortable, both for yourself and your dog(s) ❤

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