Privacy Policy

This privacy statement from was last updated on 17.06.2022 is concerned with protecting the personal data of our customers and visitors to the online store. Data we receive is handled using an encrypted and secure method to ensure best practice for proper management of personal data in accordance with current data security and privacy laws.


This website uses cookies. Users of the website agree to this privacy policy through use / visit / surfing of our web addresses, defined as visits to our intellectual property, and cookie consent exists when any new or existing visitor enters our web addresses.
If you do not agree with our privacy policy described in detail on this page, we kindly ask you to avoid visiting

We use cookies to arrange content and advertisements with a personal touch, to deliver social media functions and to analyze traffic where the purpose is to gather information that will provide a basis for sensible decision-making for our development in the work to provide the best possible user – and trading experience for our visitors and customers. Your personal and/or sensitive data is not shared publicly with the general public, data that is shared is mainly to our partners in social media, advertising and other analysis services that deal with the use of our website. Partners with large databases may link this information with other information you have made available to them, or that they have collected through your use of their services or partners. The purpose of the information sharing is for partners to be able to give us guidance and advice related to our performance in the digital landscape.

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user’s experience more efficient.
The law states that we can store cookies on the device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this area, which falls under. The purpose is exclusively to gather operationally critical insight into visitors’ behavior patterns to ensure a sustainable operational business economy. For all other types of cookies, we need your permission.
This website uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are set by third-party services that appear on our pages.


Hobbyhund is concerned with protecting the personal data of our customers and handles this in an encrypted and secure manner. Personal data is not sold, passed on or shared with other parties beyond the validated data processors stated in this declaration who enforce compliance with regulations for the processing of data in accordance with current legislation.

If you have any questions about how we process your personal data, you can contact our customer service via e-mail:


HobbyHund collects and uses your personal data for various purposes. This depends on who you are and how HobbyHund came into contact with you.

We collect personal data with the primary purpose of:

  • Complete order(s) through with name, address, phone number and email address.
  • Create a customer account(s) through with name, address, phone number and email address.
  • Arrange offers in the market to meet or create relevant demand


By sharing contact information through the website or’s channels, you agree that can contact you / share information for the following purposes:

  • Order confirmation, receipts and status regarding your order from the online store.
  • Sending out newsletters, offers and information by e-mail or SMS through contact information such as name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
  • Respond to inquiries addressed to customer service through provided contact information such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and any other information that accompanies the inquiry.


We do not pass on your personal data to others unless there is a legal basis for such disclosure. Examples of such a basis would typically be an express consent from you or a legal basis that requires us to release the information.

When you have agreed to receive personalized offers and marketing from Hobbyhund via SMS, e-mail, internet and social media, Hobbyhund will hand over personal data that is processed by partners to carry out the marketing.

Hobbyhund uses other companies and their services to process personal information and visitor data via cookies on behalf of In these cases, we have entered into agreements with the data processors to safeguard information security at all stages of the processing.
We use the following data processors as of today:

Klavyio, Inc. – Data sharing is used for sending newsletters, campaigns and requests for customer reviews after trading through shared contact information such as name, email and telephone number.

Google LLC – Data sharing is used to, among other things, see where our users come from, how often they visit our site and where the traffic comes from. Visit data through Browser Cookies and Server-side Events is used to develop personalized advertising via Google and its partners’ platforms, as well as measure the effect of this.

Facebook, Inc. – Data sharing is used to, among other things, see where our users come from, how often they visit our site and where the traffic comes from. Visit data through Browser Cookies and Server-side Events is used to develop personalized and relevant advertising via Facebook and its partners’ platforms, as well as to measure the effect of this.

Snapchat Inc. – Data sharing is used to, among other things, see where our users come from, how often they visit our site and where the traffic comes from. Visit data through Browser Cookies and Server-side Events are used to develop personalized and relevant advertising via Snapchat and their partners’ platforms, as well as measure the effect of this.

Databox, Inc. – Data sharing is used to collect the above-mentioned data sources that retrieve visitor data from the website up to a complete overview with the aim of building a good information base to continuously develop and optimize our user experience.

Payment providers – shares personal information with our payment providers in order to carry out authorized transactions through the online store. Active payment providers are as of today:
Stripe , Klarna and Vipps .

Suppliers for shipping and warehousing – shares personal information with our shipping suppliers to carry out orders for goods that are shipped to our customers’ addresses.

All these companies have strict routines and follow the privacy rules in the EU/EEA and for the supplier who is responsible for sending e-mail is subject to Privacy Shield as they are registered in the USA. This means that your personal data is just as well protected with our supplier as with processing in the EU/EEA.

Data may be shared with other data processors in addition to the above-mentioned parties, at the same time it is ensured that these simultaneously process data in line with current legislation.


This privacy policy has been prepared and applies to represented by the following legal entity:
Company name: DMP Nordic AS
Org. no.: 921186762
Business address: Karvesvingen 5, 0759 Oslo
Contact information:


You have no obligation to give Hobbyhund your personal data, but in order to receive goods and services from Hobbyhund as described under point 1, processing your personal data is a necessity.

If you believe that our processing of your personal data is not in accordance with what we have described or that we are in breach of the Personal Data Protection Act in other ways, you can complain to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

You can find information on how to contact the Norwegian Data Protection Authority on the Norwegian Data Protection Authority’s website: .

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