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Take care of the dog in the summer heat!

Dogs do not have the same ability to regulate body temperature as us humans. Did you know that your dog’s sweat glands are actually in his paws and on his nose?

Dogs’ sweat glands are located between the pads of their paws, which means they have very few sweat glands. This means that dogs do not have the same opportunities to regulate their body temperature as us humans. That is why it is extra important to take good care of your dog in the summer heat. We have collected some simple measures you can take to ensure that your dog has a comfortable summer and avoids heat stroke:

Make sure the dog gets enough fluids

Make sure that the dog always has access to fresh and cold water, and feel free to take some extra water with you on your walk. If your dog doesn’t want to drink, don’t force it either, but you can try putting some treats at the bottom of the water bowl. Then they get both water and a bit of activation in the form of trying to get hold of the treats.

You can, for example, bring a water bottle or travel bowl for the dog, so it is easy to offer the dog water when you are outside the home.

Plan your trips in the heat

Dogs have to go outside several times during the day anyway to go to the toilet and exercise, even when it’s hot outside. The long trips, on the other hand, should be added to times of the day when the temperature is slightly cooler. To check if the asphalt is too hot to walk on, you can put your hand on it. If you cannot keep your hand on the asphalt for more than 5 seconds, it is also too hot for your dog’s paws.

Although it is easy for us two-legged people who walk with shoes to forget this, it is important to remember that even if it is 25 degrees in the air, the asphalt can quickly reach 50 degrees. It is therefore wise to choose a walking route where you can walk on paths, grass or in the forest on the hottest days.

An alternative could be to play with the dog in the garden or park rather than going for a long walk if the temperature is too high. Alternatively, you can let the dog search for treats or fodder in the grass, so he can use his sense of smell well too.

Do not leave the dog alone in the car

When the weather is warm, the temperature in a parked car rises quickly. It is therefore recommended not to leave the dog alone in the car on the hottest days.

How to cool down the dog

Dogs may need a little help cooling down in the heat, and there are several ways you can cool it down. You can, for example, put lukewarm water on the dog’s paws and belly, or give it something cold to eat. Alternatively, you can lay out a cooling mat on the floor or somewhere in the shade, so that it can lie down here when it is warm.

Symptoms to recognize heat stroke

Even if we take care and follow closely, the dog may experience dehydration or heat stroke. Dogs pant a lot in the heat, as this is their way of getting rid of heat, and it can therefore be difficult to detect if the dog has suffered a heat stroke. However, here are some symptoms that you as a dog owner should look out for in the summer heat:

  • The dog searches for cold surfaces so it can cool down
  • The dog does not respond to a familiar command and may be perceived as confused
  • It can become red in the mucous membranes and gums
  • The dog may seem lethargic and, for example, lie down/fall over on a walk

If you suspect that your dog is overheated or has suffered heatstroke, you should always contact a vet to get the fastest possible recommendation for the best treatment for your dog.


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